This program was written due to an inability to create multiline text macros, or even paste into the Logitech Keyboard Profiler.
I wanted frequently used snippets/templates of text/code/whatever for my 54 programmable macro keys, so I wrote this, you basically can open your exported profile, create a new one, save is to import into the Logitech Keyboard Profile application, and create and manipulate text multiline macros.
To run the exe version on windows, you don't really need any pre-requisits.
However to run the Perl version, you will need the perl modules below, Win32::Guidgen for generating the GUID's, Win32::GUI::Loft for the interface, which requires Win32::GUI and Win32::GUI::AdHoc. You can download "The GUI Loft" binary here which includes the second and last modules, the first and third modules can be installed using PPM from the ActiveState repositories.
The program is not perfect, I havn't done the resize mode stuff so if you resize the window the stuff will just stay how it is, I will do that when I can and update the version.
If you find any bugs/have feature requests please email to the author below, also there is no license it's just a script with a gui, and a compiled version you can do what the hell you want with it.
Screen Shot
Download (current version 0.2):
Perl version (requires graphial interface): | |
Graphcal interface | interface-main.gld |
Windows executable (32-bit exe, graphical interface embedded): | lgtmm-0.2.exe (NOT COMPILED YET, WAIT OR EMAIL AUTHOR) |
For the Perl src version:
For the compiled 32-bit exe version (compiled with per2exe):